I’m a course launch strategist and I’m completely obsessed with helping you sell and scale your course or membership.

The type of business you decide to run should be a perfect fit for your lifestyle.

My other titles include: Wife. Mum. And more specifically “Muuuuummmmmm, I’m hungry” I’m also THAT CRAZY LADY who packed up her entire family and threw them in the back of a van in favour of travelling around Australia.
All of that is to say, the type of business you decide to run should be a perfect fit for your lifestyle. Whether it’s kid wrangling, travelling, or making it your mission to take a dip in the ocean everyday.
And that’s why I love teaching entrepreneurs - whether they’re scaling from 1:1 or starting a course-based business from scratch - how to sell courses simply.
Simply being the operative word here.
Because if there’s one thing I know after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs and as an online business owner myself, no one wants to spend their days showing up on Instagram stories.
We don't want more marketing.
We want systems.
Systems that work for us. While we eat. While we sleep. While we travel around Australia in a van*.
*that last one might just be me.
I’ve been in the online business space for almost a decade now, after starting out in digital marketing and social media that required a steep learning curve and what felt like being tethered to your phone 24/7, all in the name of growing your business organically.
I quickly realised that growing your business organically isn’t a sustainable path to success. And so did my clients. They didn’t want to wait months or years. They wanted faster results.

And yet, I kept seeing client after client come to me feeling disenfranchised about their business.
They’d spend hours and hours creating incredible courses, infusing the best knowledge and education into memberships, and sometimes spending years creating it, only to be let down by not knowing how to sell it in a sustainable and scalable way.
That’s when I had to look at marketing and social media differently.
Enter: Facebook advertising.
While business owners around me avoided Facebook Advertising like it ws the plague thanks to its complicated and totally not friendly interface, I went all in.
Learning about ads, simplifying ads, and making ads easy and attainable to use for all my clients.
Facebook advertising changed everything.
It allowed me to step away from showing up every single day, not having to rely on referral marketing which always slows down, and helped speed up the know / like / trust factor.
It also introduced me to funnels and automation.

"Funnels and automation are your new best friends"

My career after high school didn’t start with marketing. I definitely wasn’t one of those kids who knew they wanted to study marketing. In fact, I spent the better part of my twenties climbing the corporate ladder as an Insurance Broker.
Marketing? I didn’t really pay any attention to that department. I was focussed on helping people protect their assets and businesses.
It wasn’t until I went on maternity leave for my first-born that I started paying attention to marketing. The combination of creativity and strategy really had me hooked, line and sinker - and soon enough I devoured everything I could find on digital marketing.
With all the theory under my belt, it was time to implement it all.
That’s when I launched Envy Media Management. A full service digital marketing agency that would do it all for you.
If you think that’s the end of my story, you’re wrong.
Two problems arose pretty quickly.
One. I was soon fully booked which yay go me, but also it meant my earning potential was capped and the only way to make more was to magically create more than 24 hours in a day.
Two. I couldn’t shake the question that was bugging me.
Why were we doing it all anyway?
Surely there was another way. To scale. And streamline. And simplify.
A business model and marketing system that took strangers and turned them into obsessed buyers without you needing to be “on” 24/7.

That’s when I realised that a course-based business model that used funnels and automation as its marketing system was the answer.
Selling courses using live launches and evergreen funnels. They’re a match made in money-making heaven.
It changed my business and my life. And that’s what I want for you too.
I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to do it all to have a successful course or membership business. You need a system.
Your transition from “doing it all” to “doing what works” starts here.
My motto is:
Learning to achieve constant, consistent improvement. Because business is a long game. Not a quick fix.
From my podcast where I have open and honest conversations around what it takes to build, manage and scale a thriving course-based business model with more ease and less stress, to my courses to help you launch using Facebook ads, and my mentoring to help you build your perfect course-based business, I got you.